Monday, June 20, 2011

Crazy Brothers

I don't think you can get a closer
brotherly(ish) relationship than
this. They wouldn't get serious
but those photos turned out to
be the best ones!! Love you guys!!


  1. Hello Meagan!! did I spell your name correctly?!!
    your blog design is awesome and your pictures are fantastic!
    You are doing a great job. i love the picture of the boys sitting down and you are looking down on top of them and they are laughing. that is a great perspective. good job! love the contrast of the blue seat and their darker shirts. You have a great gift. keep shooting!!

  2. oops, Megan! i did spell your name wrong! sorry kiddo!!

  3. I LOVE the one where they're sitting on the blue thing and looking up!! It's awesome!! You sure have an eye for photography!!
